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Gym – hello old friend. Hoar Cross Hall

With the lockdown coming to an end, gyms will soon be reopening. Of course, there will be some who’ve hit their lockdown fitness goals – like taking on and completing the Coach To 5k – if you have, huge congrats. And then of course, others have taken a well-deserved rest from the gym, because let’s be honest, who needs to put extra pressure on in an already stressful time. To help you with your transition back to the gym, we’ve put together a few things to consider when donning the Lycra again.

Safely does it

When lockdown began, your body didn’t just hit the pause button. Things slowed down gradually. So it’s good to keep in mind that you won’t automatically be in shape when you press the ‘play’ button again. You will have lost some stamina and fitness. You can’t just pick up where you left off. So just make small steps forward and take it easy – pace yourself. This will help you avoid injury that will keep you out of the gym even longer. Remember, don’t skimp on warm up or recovery.


Start at the beginning

After so much time off it’s best to go back to basics – start building on your foundations and incorporate easy workout routines across strength, endurance and mobility. So rebuild your strength, choose low intensity cardio, and perhaps try simple lunge patterns and spilt squats to improve mobility. And after your spurt of energy, why not reward yourself with a little wind down in the sauna or steam room – a treat for both the body and mind.


Exercise your freedom to choose

Try things that you don’t normally do. If you’re normally all about cardio, try picking up some light hand weights. If you’re all about bulking up, how about trying skipping – it’s harder than it looks. Whatever it might be, ease yourself back into the gym and enjoy the journey. After such a long time apart, it’ll take time to rekindle your love affair. But most of all, enjoy it and stay safe whilst at the gym.

And remember, we’ve missed you as much as you’ve missed us. Our experts at Eden Hall and Hoar Cross Hall are eager to see you return. In fact, why not take this opportunity to sit down with our team for your lifestyle consultation, they will tailor everything to fit your needs perfectly.