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Be Good to Yourself in 2020

Let's talk about health and wellbeing and start 2020 on the right foot

New Year, new resolutions to break. Let’s see if we can keep just one this year – to look after ourselves more.
How many times do you say that you haven’t had time to go for a run or that you will to the gym tomorrow? Taking a little time out for yourself each day is important for your wellbeing. Whether it’s to do some physical activity or just to close the door and enjoy a nice warm bath. Why shouldn’t you enjoy some me-time?
With our lives getting busier, self-care is something that none of us cannot afford to pay attention to. So, whether you plan to close the door to the world and turn your phone on to silent for a little while or plan a day away a month to escape, we’re here to help.

A Weekly Treat
Why not swap the cleaning one evening for a hot soak in the bath? Pour in a little of that gorgeous bubble bath you were bought for Christmas, pick up the book that you have been meaning to read for ages, close the bathroom door and relax…. A little relaxation before bedtime helps you tune out and calms the mind which in turn will encourage a better night’s sleep.

Little and Often
Not having time for yourself is not how it should be, but we all try to fit as much as possible into our daily lives. Work-life balance, school run, cleaning, getting the dinner ready and packing up lunches… the list is endless and before you know it, it’s time for bed and repeat tomorrow. STOP. Breathe and take a minute. When was the last time you did something just for you? Here’s your chance. Book yourself a treatment at Hoar Cross Hall. You don’t have to be a day guest to enjoy a little pampering and it’s something that you can enjoy on your way home from work. We offer a wide range of therapies to suit all your pampering needs and they’re perfect for helping to release tension, relax and unwind.

A Day to Escape
Get your diary out and make a date for me-time. Whether it’s once a month or once a quarter, it’s good for the soul to escape the norm and great for recharging the batteries. Whether you choose a day at a spa, an adventure day or a day of retail therapy, it should all be about you.

Close your eyes, breathe deep and refocus.