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Who Wants To Head Outside And Workout Now It’s Dark?

Tips for running in Autumn

We know it’s tough going outdoors in Autumn to exercise but mixing up your fitness routine can have huge health benefits. 

Outdoor exercise is good for your body and mind, no matter the time of year. After being in the office all day, the fresh air will stimulate the mind and help to refocus you. Blow away the cobwebs and feel refreshed.

We’ve put together a few tips to help you stay warm whilst you’re out and about.

Dress for warmth and to stay dry, not for fashion!
This may seem like we’re pointing out the obvious but sometimes you don’t notice it’s cold until it’s too late and you’re out running. Keep your hands, fingers, ears and nose wrapped up. They’re the bits that aren’t covered by your clothing and are the first things to meet the cold air. We advise thick socks too to keep your feet warm.

Opt for synthetic clothing instead of your usual cotton gym gear, such as polyester, nylon, and polypropylene designed to dry quickly. You’ll find that as you start to sweat whilst you’re out in the cool evenings, you’ll start to feel cold and wet

Add Layers
Don’t stop at sweat-absorbing clothes. Add layers to trap warm air next to your body and keep out the elements (like rain, snow, and wind).

First, put on a thin base layer made of synthetic fabrics to help pull sweat away from your skin.
If it’s really cold, add a mid layer, such as polar fleece, for extra warmth. 
Your outer layer should protect you from wind, snow, and rain. (bbrrrr)
Too warm? you can always remove layers as you exercise.

Go Bright
If you’re outdoors, don’t hide away in black, be bold and wear bright colours s that you can be seen. Poor visibility from rain, snow, or overcast or dark skies makes it tougher for others to see you. Whether you’re out on a path or road, make sure you are visible. 

Wearing a head torch or flashlight means that not only can others see you, you can see your footings too.

Love Your Skip
Exercising or not, you should be drinking roughly 8 glasses of water a day and moisturising to stop your skin from drying out. If you’re exercising outdoors, apply a little Vaseline to sensitive areas like the nostrils, tip of the nose, and ears for more protection. Wear a running scarf to help block the chilling breeze as you run.

After exercise, make sure you rehydrate with water. If you can sip water as you exercise to replace the fluids that you are sweating out.

Don’t Slip
Just like you check your tyres, check the tread of your trainers. Are you trainers fit for the outdoor terrain? Wet leaves, slippery roads and pavements can all contribute to injuries so make sure that your footwear can grip the surface. If you slip, you could pull a muscle or even fall.

Warm Up and Cool Down
Yes, basics we know but we’re all guilty of trying to get exercise done as quickly as possible. It’s important to warm the muscles before exercising. This will help increase blood flow and muscle temperature and will help decrease the risk of injury.

Likewise, when you have finished exercise, stretch your muscles out so that they do not cramp up.

And Breathe
It may be cold so deep breaths can be a little bit of a shock to the system but make sure you breathe deep as you exercise. Wrapping a bandanna or scarf around your mouth (or another thin fabric layer) can help trap water vapor in when you breathe out to keep air more moist as you continue to breathe.

And Finally….
It’s time to get out of your damp workout clothes, which can suck away warmth and leave you chilly. Warm shower and dry, clean clothes help keep that chill away.

Happy running