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Attitude of Gratitude

Attitude of Gratitude is a mindset for a more positive outlook and not dwelling on the negative attitudes we sometimes have on ourselves.

After the busy festive period, don’t you find you just need a minute to slow down and relax?

Last year more than any other year, I learnt that life and time flies by, and before you know it, we’re here in January 2020, and in the blink of an eye it’ll be summer again! So much happens in life that we should be so grateful for, but we often don’t have time to take it all in. 

Last year I went to a life changing workshop with Elaine Denton, of Life Yoga Fitness. I have been following her work for a long time, but ‘didn’t have time’ to go, or I was ‘okay so didn’t need it.’ Life changed quite dramatically for me in the early months of the year, and I suddenly found myself with more time than I was used to, so I decided to go along to one of her workshops.

I learnt so much from Elaine, and continue to attend her workshops regularly, but one thing I have taken with me since then, is that an attitude of gratitude is the way forward. Being mindful of life, love, friendships, and everything in between, and being aware of this, and understanding how it affects our emotions and how our daily lives can make a huge difference in how we move forwards. 

I started out very slow, as when I started the workshops, I didn’t feel grateful for an awful lot! However making a point of taking two minutes out of my day, usually before bedtime, to write down just three things I was grateful for started to make a big impact on me. I started with, ‘I am grateful for the roof over my head, the food in my fridge, and the car on my driveway.’ You may think these things are a given, but actually without them, I wouldn’t have anywhere to live, no way of getting to and from my job, and I’d be going hungry! 

I have come a long way since my three things each day, to being grateful for chats that I have with my friends, my wonderful job that challenges me every day but that I wouldn’t trade for any other job, my rescue cat that comes and sits with me every evening on my sofa, my parents for their words of wisdom when I’m feeling down, and my hobbies that give me so much joy each and every day. I’m grateful for the gentleman who let me out at the junction and to my next door neighbour who took in my parcel that had been delivered whilst I was out.

So if you are going to make one New Years’ Resolution this year, make it to have an attitude of gratitude, start small, and build from there, trust me, you won’t look back! 

You can find out more about Elaine’s work on Facebook at Life Yoga Fitness, and via The Yoga Social.

Suzie x
Gym & Leisure Manager